Babies, babies, babies!

One of my very best friends is expecting TWIN BOYS.  We, as her friend group from childhood to motherhood, wanted to shower her with gifts and goodies to celebrate their arrival.  I wanted to showcase the end-of-the-party treat we created.  Inspired by Pinterest, we sent her guests home with these cute shower favors.

Since they are adding S’more Love to their family, it seemed quite fitting. Organic and delicious, we made these adorable S’more kits.  We opted for fancy Smash Mallows and dark chocolate; we even included some gluten free graham cracker variations so that all guests could enjoy them.

All of the packaging was found at JoAnn Fabrics and the food items from Whole Foods.  Easy peasy and a crowd pleaser.

I’d love to hear about your Baby Shower favor ideas.


Sarah Branion

Baby & Toddler Sleep Strategist

PS – Whenever you’re ready, I’d love to help you with you child’s sleep.  Start here with my FREE Baby Sleep Cheatsheet