Six years ago I was a new mom of a four month old, who hadn’t slept more than 25 minutes at a time since my baby’s birth. At a breaking point and wondering if I would ever survive this early postpartum period and sleep deprivation, I began reading and mastering the art of baby sleep. Today, I am a well-rested, fulfilled mother of two children and my super power is Baby & Toddler Sleep. I’m passionate about helping you get the sleep you deserve and the rest your baby or toddler needs.

Hello world, I’m Sarah Branion, a Denver-based (and internationally serving) Baby & Toddler Sleep Coach & Certified Professional Labor & Postpartum Doula. I am passionate about pregnancy, labor, birthing families, and most of all…sleep support. Since 2014, it has been a great honor to help guide families to get the rest and support they need while helping their babies and toddlers create great habits around sleep.

I am a mother of a two girls and a wife to my wonderful hubby, Jevin. Together, we live in Denver with our cat, Whampy. I hold a BA from the University of Minnesota and an MPA from the University of North Dakota.

In addition to birth work, I own a consulting business that provides EOS Implementation to small businesses and nonprofit organizations. I enjoy yoga, coffee and wine, SCUBA diving, fishing, and most of all: time with family and friends. I cherish the time I have volunteered with IMPACT Personal Safety of Colorado, Kith Colorado, Florence Correctional Center and our church, City Church Denver.


Sarah Branion

Baby & Toddler Sleep Strategist

PS – Whenever you’re ready, I’d love to help you with you child’s sleep.  Start here with my FREE Baby Sleep Cheatsheet

Photo Cred: Rebecca Ann Walsh