Let’s go there.  Let’s talk about it. Postpartum Anxiety, postpartum depression and postpartum mood disorders need to come out in the light.  So many of my friends and clients think they are alone.  You are not alone.

If you know me in real life or you’ve been following me on social media for any amount of time, you might know by now that one of the reasons I started studying and ultimately writing my own Baby & Toddler Sleep Training Curriculum was my difficult first postpartum experience.

Although never officially diagnosed as a postpartum mood disorder, the anxiety and “baby blues” I was feeling became overwhelming and I was unable to process decisions and think straight about life in the depths of those early months. 

So, when former client and Postpartum Anxiety expert, Gennifer Morley, M.A. L.P.C., of North Boulder Counseling asked if I would be interested in recording a series on the topic of Sleep Deprivation & Anxiety, I didn’t even have to think twice about it.


Click here or on the image above to watch the 27 minute interview.

We have a few episodes planned on the topic of how sleep deprivation can cause or compound anxiety and other mental wellness challenges in parents, especially mothers.  And, we’re going to give you tips on how to help yourself, your partner/friend and where you can reach out for professional support.  We’ll discuss the symptoms and the resources available to help.

Our first episode is called “Where to Start”, because we both felt compelled to give our best tips on how to get help today.  I give my “5-Hour Sleep Strategy” for getting a baseline amount of sleep – – and if you are a sleep deprived parent, I hope that you start using it today.

To reach Gennifer, please visit northbouldercounseling.com or make an appointment at Gennifer@NorthBoulderCounseling.com or  (720) 588-3174.

This is worth capitalizing and bolding: SHE CAN DO REMOTE SESSIONS, FROM THE COMFORT OF YOUR HOME AND WIFI CONNECTION. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to her. 

I’d love to hear from you on this topic.  If you have a question you’d like us to address, please leave a comment below or email sarah@throughthenightmethod.com .

Take care!
